I'm prepping up for a new REST-full, DB-backed web-front pet-project in Java (what else?) the coming weeks, and decide to go with the flow and stick to the popular choice of the moment in this area: the play!framework.
To get up to speed I've swiftly chosen, bought, read, and reviewed the "Play Framework Cookbook by Alexander Reesen".
The biggest itch I have with the book is the somewhat messy (at least hard to explain to me) organization of chapters and the lack of using industry standard wording for known concepts.
But reading it from cover to cover sure gives a fast run trough a lot of interesting the standard 'yabe' tutorial didn't mention. So for me it was a real good head start, and it surely gave the confirmation I was searching about starting this new project with Play. (Additional advise: do download the code samples, it avoids typing and helps you passed the frequent typesetting glitches in the code blocks)
I hope to be posting on the progress I'm making with Play! in the next weeks, and maybe even share some stuff at github/marc-portier.